Friday 28 September 2007

Open our eyes

As we marched into Working on Friday, a signpost by the road indicated that there have been 188 road deaths in Surrey in the last three years. 188. In Surrey alone.

Road deaths are another indication of why a world less dependent on the motor car will be better for reasons other than tackling climate change.

But a statistic about the deaths of real people also makes us question what is considered news in this country. Every life is valuable whether it is part of a statistic which says at least 150,000 people die from the effects of climate change each year; 60 people a year die on Surrey's roads; or one person dies in a horrific incident.

But our media can promote one unusual death ahead of many which are seen as usual. In the UK, deaths on UK roads, or death from climate or economic inequality around the world, are seen as normal and not worthy of the news. We have to see beyond what the media regard as news to have our eyes opened on what is really happening.

Distance covered so far: 995 miles

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