Saturday 22 September 2007

Government cut the carbon

We marched into Bournemouth on Saturday, a day ahead of the Labour party. Whilst we were joined by local campaigners, a middle-aged gentleman accosted me with the most bizarre conversation I have had on the march yet.

Man: "You should be getting the government to cut the carbon emissions."
Tim: "We are. We've been marching 1,000 miles this summer on a protest march to get the government to cut the UK's carbon emissions. That's why we are in Bournemouth this weekend."
Man: "You should be asking them why they are not building more windfarms."
Tim: "We are, along with all the other things needed to tackle climate change."
Man: "But what you need to do is get the government to cut carbon emissions and ask them why they are not building more windfarms."

I don't know whether he understood what we were doing. Or just thought that building windfarms is all we need to do to tackle climate change.

I hope he was doing what he thought we should be doing.

Distance covered so far: 910 miles
Seas seen: 3 (Irish, North and English Channel)

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