Saturday 4 August 2007

Do they all support us number 6

Our walk through Tyneside on Friday included going via Jarrow to meet the daughter of one of the Jarrow marchers. In 1936 207 Geordie's marched down to London demanding relief from unemployment and poverty. When they arrived in London after 22 days of marching, the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, refused to meet them.

We have almost the opposite problem. Whilst many MPs are now on holiday, earlier in the day we had been greeted by Alan Campbell MP (Labour), who marched with us to the Tyne ferry. Alan is a government whip, which means its his job to ensure Labour MPs don't rebel and do vote for the government. Of course, this meant he did not depart from the government's line that a 60 per cent cut is all that is possible and aviation does not need to be included within this.

Our job is to make Alan's life as difficult as possible when the climate bill enters parliament in the autumn.

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